A Quiet Place to Study!

Looking for a quiet place to study for finals?
You are invited to UNPLUG and enjoy the historic setting of the Hays-Heighe House as you prepare for exams.
Rooms 104 and 205 are available for quiet, individual study for reading and writing. So leave the computer and cellphone behind and come over!
Thursday, May 5, 10am-3pm
Friday, May 6, 10am-2pm

Student Project Showcase 2011

Stop by the Hays-Heighe House to view some fantastic student projects! In our first annual showcase of student projects, we are displaying assignments students have completed using the House as inspiration. We have project boards from Building, Preservation & Restoration, as well as design boards from Residential Interiors.

As always, we are open Tuesdays 1-3 pm and Fridays 10am-12pm, so be sure to drop in and check out the new displays. You might just be inspired for your next assignment!